Schools/colleges streamline manual document-based processes with Nustream’s business process automation and save
With ever increasing pressures on costs in schools and colleges, the need to replace inefficient process with faster integrated document management is no longer an option – it’s a must have. Nustream can help make it happen.
Nustream’s Business Process Automation suite streamlines manual document-based processes.
Examples of Business Process Automation Nustream offer:
- Accounts payable/Accounts receivable: Electronically manage all of your invoices and other finance related content. Eliminate the cost of filing and storage. Reduce the late payment charges and maximize early payment discounts.
- Student Enrolment: Electronically manage personal documents in a central, secure and searchable location. Eliminate the cost of filing and storage.
- Contract management: Automate the contract lifecycle, reduce admin and physical storage. Improve access, security and visibility of ongoing and outstanding contracts.
- HR Files: Automate core HR functions including recruitment, benefits, timesheets, benefits, records management.
- Other: Purchase and sales order processing, digital mailrooms, new employee/student onboarding, automated expense system, student enrolment
The benefits of business process automation:
- Improved visibility and control of documents throughout their lifecycle
- Increased efficiency as a result of simplified processes
- Increase collaborative working. Documents can be shared effectively across your educational setting
- Compliant workflows
- Improved reliability with processes that can grow with your business
- Searchable documents making it easier to find information
- Reduces the reliance on paper and people
Embrace the workflow revolution. Save money on printing to invest back into education.
Book your FREE print assessment today
Speak to our friendly advisors today to find out more about our Business Process Automation offering.
T: 01865 598 777