Xerox Workflow Central Champion

As we are heading to the first anniversary of the launch of WFC, we have seen significant changes in the way that we work. Hybrid working has grown significantly which is driving the digital workforce, which in turn drives digital transformation which improves...

Returning To The Office – So it benefits everyone

Since Nustream reopened last Autumn, we all have noticed a change in conversations from our customers with returning to the office. Some of us have been being excited about returning, back to face to face meetings and general office chat. Whilst others have...

My First Week as a Digital Marketing Apprentice

About Me 2020, the year where I completed my studies at college and received my Level 3 Business Studies (Extended Diploma) certificate and also the year that I start looking for jobs to begin my career in marketing. However, the pandemic prevented me from following...

How to use Teams safely and securely

Microsoft Teams has about 50 million users in more than 500 000 organisations in 181 countries. If you are one of these users, you know the value it brings to everyday communications and collaborations with colleagues and customers. Teams has quickly taken over our...

What is the Captain Tom 100 Challenge ?

  What is the Captain Tom 100 Challenge? Sir Captain Tom Moore became a household name last year, through his commitment to raising money, to support the NHS. It came at a time where charities’ main sources of fundraising were cut and some even completely shut...

Covid Friendly Office

With more and more of us finally making our way back into the office, health and safety will be high on everyone’s agenda. One safety issue that could be overlooked, however, are the communal printers we all touch daily. Luckily Nustream has our lovely customers...