Make Sure You’re Getting Managed Print Value

In the last blog we brought to you, we delved deep into the world of print assessments. We explained what you should and shouldn’t expect from the process and talked you through how the ultimate print assessment should look.  And that’s all handy information (even if...

Why most Print Assessments are a Waste of Time

To avoid total print chaos and take full stock of just how much printing is happening in your organisation – and how much you’re spending and wasting – print assessments make sense, right? Theoretically, that should be the case, anyway. But it doesn’t always work out...

4 Of The Scariest Printer Security Risks

At this time of year, thoughts often turn to the ghoulish, the frightening and the macabre. Whether it’s poltergeists, witches or zombies that creep you out, or just the prospect of dozens of children banging on your door and begging for undeserved free sweets....

Is The Paperless Office Becoming a Reality?

‘The paperless office’. Is it an achievable goal that we’re all heading towards or a mostly unrealistic pipe dream…? The concept of a working environment that’s entirely print-free has been talked about for decades now. The idea was first mooted in a Bloomberg...

Connecting Documents to the Cloud

For most people, the humble printer plays a minor role in their working environment. They’re merely supporting cast members. But with printer technology evolving all the time, it’s finally time for printers to take centre stage. They’re no longer just huge, hot boxes...

Should You Invest In a Sustainable Print Strategy?

Happy Earth day everybody! With all things eco friendly on the agenda today, it’s a great excuse to look at a sustainable print strategy. Don’t know where to start? Read below to discover the signs that should prompt you to invest in one, today! ‘Sustainable print...