Contacting Nustream

Nustream Ltd

Lillies Building
High Street
SO20 6HF

Contacting Xerox

Xerox On-Line resources:

Highlights of the online resources include;

  • Chat with Support – this can be found in the quick links section of the above link and allows you to raise service and consumables requests using a chat box.
  • Download the new Support Mobile App – another way of contacting Xerox, directly from your mobile device, links to the Apple App store and Google Play store can be found on the support page above.

You can also read the service blog, watch YouTube videos, search information about your device and read FAQ’s. 

You can also contact Xerox directly by phone.

  • For Xerox Managed Print Service customers please call 0370 850 7832 or you can access consumable ordering or report an incident through the Fleet Management Portal.
  • For Xerox Standard Service Customers please call 0370 900 5501.

If you are in any doubt which service you have, please refer to the telephone number printed on the Nustream sticker on your Xerox device.


0370 850 7832

Xerox Managed Print Service Customers

Xerox Online Resources

Click for Xerox online resources

0370 900 5501

Xerox Page Pack Customers

Ordering Xerox Eco Boxes

Recycling schemes free of charge from Xerox.

Xerox Eco Boxes

This scheme is aimed for user with more5 or more devices, producing substantial volumes of used cartridges on a continual basis. You will receive a bundle of 5 storable Eco-Boxes.

Once you have requested a bundle, they will arrive within 72 hours.

Single Cartridge Recycling

If you are interested in recycling but don’t feel you will fill the Eco boxes, Xerox do offer another recycling option aimed more so for single toner cartridges. Return is free of charge by taking the package to a local Post Office or passing to Royal Mail if they collect other postal items from your premises. You can access both options here. If it is more convenient please fill in the GET IN TOUCH form on the bottom of this page and we will be in touch as soon as possible.